De-identification of Privacy-related Entities in Job Postings


De-identification is the task of detecting privacy-related entities in text, such as person names, emails and contact data. It has been well-studied within the medical domain. The need for deidentification technology is increasing, as privacy-preserving data handling is in high demand in many domains. In this paper, we focus on job postings. We present JOBSTACK, a new corpus for de-identification of personal data in job vacancies on Stackoverflow. We introduce baselines, comparing Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Transformer models. To improve upon these baselines, we experiment with contextualized embeddings and distantly related auxiliary data via multi-task learning. Our results show that auxiliary data improves de-identification performance. Surprisingly, vanilla BERT turned out to be more effective than a BERT model trained on other portions of Stackoverflow.

23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics
Kristian Nørgaard Jensen
Kristian Nørgaard Jensen
Computer Science Master Student

My research interests include natural language processing, artificial intelligence, robotics